Starting at the beginning of October in 2013, the Professional Readiness Exam was instated within Michigan. The bottom line of this test is to measure students' knowledge and understanding that the state demands within the education system. Within the state of Michigan, there have been laws that mandate a test to be given to students' as part of the teacher certification process. Throughout the student body, mix feelings start to spread questioning the reliability and validity of the selected material on the test. During my time at Grand Valley studying education, discussions upon discussions have arose within the classrooms relating to standardized tests and how many feel as if they have to teach to these standardized tests because their jobs rely upon them. We, as a community of experienced and newly structured teachers, need to stray away from this idea as a whole. Standardized tests are not the answer within the educational world. The methods and measures that are derived from these methods are not an accurate description of the students knowledge as well as falling back on the teaching strategies that are structured within the classroom. As we attempt to move away from the idea of teaching to standardized tests, the state mandates the Professional Readiness Exam, (*standardized test*), to assess students' understanding that are trying to go into a field in which they should not be teaching to these standardized tests. A tad bit hypocritical if I do say so myself.
Those who are studying Elementary as well as Secondary Education take the same test prior to going into the College of Education here at Grand Valley State University. This test includes sections Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. These sections assess the students' understanding and knowledge that they will need in order to teach within a Michigan classroom. Is this test showing understanding and knowledge of the content, or is this showing test-taking skills? Public information about the PRE states that this test focuses on the students' ability to show their knowledge and understanding of the concepts that are covered as well as test-taking skills. Why? What is important about test-taking skills that is needed for the teacher to bring into a Michigan classroom? Do we need these because the community of teachers needs to teach test-taking skills to the students? The test-taking skills does not provide sufficient evidence of the students' understanding and knowledge of the concepts that we, as teachers, are teaching to them.
Briefly, lets focus on the mathematics portion of the PRE test. The subarea test areas included are: quantitative literacy and logic, algebra and functions, geometry and trigonometry, and statistics/probability. Within colleges across the state, there are different requirements for each student to take math classes. These requirements could range from only needing one class to multiple classes. If you were one of the students who were only required to take one math class through their whole college career, are they going to be well PREpared for this test? Not only do they need to focus on all of their other classes in order to obtain good grades so that they graduate in a good manner than just skimping by, but they need to teach themselves these concepts all over again that they haven't had experience within 3 or more years. Sound fair?
So, why make these points? If Education is a path that one decides to travel, shouldn't they just have to do what they are told and take the test? I feel as if there is more to it than just that. We have been taught for years that assessment gives justification for understanding. We are able to take the time in class or outside of class and assess one's skills. The PRE does just this so it places a teacher in the student's shoes. Since we have to take the test to further our education in the field in which we have wished to go into, we must make the best of it. It may seem like a lot of work, but everyone should be able to gain something out of it. Test taking skills are essential in education as it sits today. As one studies for the PRE, they typically remind themselves of concepts that they had learned years ago. One benefits from regaining knowledge, thus making them a better overall teacher. Also, concepts that had been learned years previously might make more sense during the present time. Students would be able to make more connections to the concepts and would be better teachers in the end.
The point of this was not to bash the PRE test for the new teachers that are coming through the educational system within the state of Michigan because I do not have a simple solution to bring to the table. However, my point that I hope was elaborated was the fact that the test seems to lack reliability and validity in assessing students' understanding and knowledge. It is a test that points more in the direction of assessing test-taking skills in which the state believes that teachers will then bring into the classroom. That is what the community of teachers is trying to move away from though. We are coming into a new mindset where teaching to the standardized tests is hindering our own students' understanding and knowledge. The same is happening to us when we are mandated to take the PRE test in order to further our studies within the educational world. We need to move away from test-taking skills and standardized tests in order to enhance our students within the classroom above and beyond what they have in past history.
The PRE is pretty ridiculous in terms of content, implementation and use. The kinds of things it assesses have no established relationship with quality of teaching or student achievement. The implementation of it is potentially culturally biased and technologically ridiculous. In use it is a measure of HS retention 3 years out - a heretofore unknown educational situation. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteYou make good points here. I'd like to see you address the 'so what' also - given that a teacher candidate has to take it, how can they make the most of it, or apply the experience to their future teaching? It does put them in the same boat as their students in some sense. (complete/consolidated)
clear, coherent, content +
Cool connection between these different standardized tests. I hadn't realized the irony behind the PRE test. I really like that you also mentioned that there's a heavy distinction between actually understanding the material and just having good test taking abilities. Sometimes I think these two things can be combined in one question though. Your test taking abilities tells you to eliminate unreasonable answers, but your understanding of the question tells you which ones answers are unreasonable. Anyway, it was an interesting post. Great job.
ReplyDeleteExcellent points on PRE and all standardized tests. [playing devil's advocate] They serve a purpose to provide "standarized" and "normalized"/"Bell Curve" statistical data that is easy to compute, show, and explain to the general public about how "well" students are doing. Furthermore, especially with PRE, the $ that you pay to take it goes {mostly} to the state and the company that created the test, so it is a good cash cow for governments and corporations. Additionally, multiple choice tests like PRE, ACT, SAT, GRE, etc. are simple to grade and can be mass produced more readily than "story problem" tests.
ReplyDeleteThis all being said, I think they are all pretty ridiculous because they do not measure student learning at the higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy, which (as we learned in EDI 337) is exactly what we want to do with most/all of our assessments. Therefore, this debate is really just a different form of the "quantity vs. quality" debate.